воскресенье, 27 марта 2011 г.

There were next to no flights on our helipad the whole Friday. It was 18 mps windspeed and was snowing heavily. Internet was cut of so I had plenty of time with a book about Norway. My life impressions are poor all I see on a daily basis are 140 km of highway the walls of my flat. That is why I always use some reference photos to build my pictures upon, nice pics in zines and tourist guides, pictures made by my fellows travelers. There is a sketch I made from one of those nice pictures from the book about Norway, that I hope will later become a painting.

and there is a quick pastel work made out of one of Olga Lovtsyus nice pictures of Ireland -

четверг, 24 марта 2011 г.

artist soft pastel

Yesterday I went consuming. Stopped by at some art-supply shop near the place where we rehears with the band and bought another piece of art materials that is totally new to me. soft pastels not the kind like oil pastels, more like tiny chalk pieces. 36 colours Sonnet set. The dust of purple color has covered my keyboard and I am making grainy stains all over my white keys as I type these words, there is a colored sand under my arms that makes kind of scratchy sound as I move my mouse. It was fun making this quick work that I'll call rocky path. Pastel is still keeping its secrets away from me. I am still not sure how to draw with it.